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Thursday, 8 April 2021

Being an Artist - Why It's Not About the Money

 What is an artist, a great artist, a craftsman and an artisan?

Artist - The person who creates the products for the business. Two examples are graphic designers and book designers.

Artist - The person who creates the products for the business. Two examples are graphic designers and book designers.

Excellent artist a hereditary skill to create original, visual and beautiful objects of art for aesthetic values. Examples include oil paintings and hand sculptures.

Craftsmen Independent craftsmen who create projects for both beauty and utility. Two examples are glass makers or carpet makers.

Artisan - imitates useful items as a merchant or artisan. For example: carpenters build houses and merchants make furniture.

Most people use these words because they choose, not by definition. Misuse of these words causes confusion.

The most important benefit for any artist or craftsman is employment. Fine artists find lucrative jobs during prosperous economies. Their creations are real or one of a kind and will cost more. People with disposable income buy unnecessary works of art.

Utilityist makes year-round replicas of type art and work, regardless of craft economy. People need houses, clothes, shoes, tools, cars, furniture, and more than the original jewelry, sculpture, or oil painting owner.

Artists and craftsmen need to become entrepreneurs and work as individual business owners or contract workers. Artisans or traders work for large companies for salaries.

Why are artists and artisans struggling to make money?

  1. They don't talk about money because it's unclean, or it doesn't matter.
  2. Lack of money sense, interest, status, or money management
  3. Muhammad is considered the root of all evils.
  4. Creating art or craftwork is more important.
  5. Money is not important because love, saving the planet, and world peace are more important.
  6. Families and communities make him feel uneasy as an artist. They appear to be playing and lack the value of their work.
  7. Money is not important, and it never takes money to understand its value.
  8. Lack of money or financial knowledge and understanding of how money works. Feeling useless or embarrassed about not making money.
  9. Fear of having money.
  10. People consider artists to be poor and struggling. There are people who believe in it.
  11. Feeling restless asking for money.
  12. No information on how I'm priced and how to sell it.
  13. Lack of self-confidence and do not know our value.
  14. When we see flaws in our workmanship, we are very critical of our work. We cannot see or understand that buyers see the beauty or personal use of the product. Not its flaws
  15. It is not easy to sell a piece of our creativity, which makes us feel that we have valued ourselves and sold our lives to the devil.
  16. Under the guise of charging an article for not looking greedy.
  17. Poor ability to communicate with potential customers.
  18. Dislike or hate the paperwork associated with recording our profits and expenses, income tax forms, and other financial business matters.
This attitude, suspicion or lack of knowledge will prevent artists and artisans from earning comfortably with their skills and abilities.

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